Thursday, December 6, 2012


China is one of the most fast growing economies in the world. One of there main selling points is the automobile industry. They are taking foreign cars and trying to sell them to there people at a rate of 25,000 cars selling per day. China is also trying to branch out there cars to the US. The problem is the safety of the cars. In a Russian safety test, the Chinese cars failed awfully. The cars spinned out of control and the car broke down. The Chinese are thinking that American company like GM are not American companies are. They believe that they can sell the Chinese cars for lots of money in the US. That will not happen at all. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Capitalism- Is a social political-economic system based on the principle of individual rights.

Communism-  Is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless and stateless social order structuredupon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a socialpolitical and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.

Free Enterprise- Is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods or services for profit.

Free Market- Is a market where the price of a good or service is determined by supply and demand, rather than by governmental regulation.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Im not really in the Christmas vibe yet. Oh well I bet I will soon. Anyway today in human geo we saw a video on how China is where all of the labor is. The people are working full shift and only getting 1 to 4 dollars a day. Here in the USA the minimum wage for a worker is 7.5 a hour but the big companies can't afford to pay their workers so much. Then they go to China. A country that is poor and will work for so little. China has a seventh of the worlds population and jobs are so needed so they will work for a few US dollars a day. So this is where all of the money is made. I think it is not just a US problem but a world one.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Human Geo

One week until Thanksgiving! I can smell the turkey already! Anyway today in human geotoday we discussed the world leaders some more. I did the work from yesterday and there is ten countries. One thing I noticed was that the British Kingdom was all over the world from the East Coast of the USA, to India, Australia and lots more in Africa.The Spanish Kingdom was big as well and they had control of parts of the US, Mexico, Central America as well as south. They had so many wars it seemed. Poor Spain, all that work for nothing. Oh well who knows, maybe Spain will rule the world. Never say never.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012



1.Indepence was gained on April 1st 1979. On April 1st of 1998 Ben (Me) was born.

2. They were part of the Persian Dynasty until there indepence day in 1979.

3. Persia


1. There indepence was August 19th 1919.

2. They were part of the English dynasty that was still a big force at the time.

3. England


1.There indepence day is September 16th 1810. It was reconized on September 27th 1821 by Spain.

2. They were part of the Spanish dynasty  for years when Christopher Columbus found Mexico.

3. Spain


1.There indepence day is September 7th 1822.

2. They were part of the Portuguese Dynasty when Portugal found the land and took it over. They still have lots of traditions from there.

3. Portugal


1. There indepence day is July 5th 1811

2. They were part of Spanish rule.

3. Spain

United Kingdom
United Kingdom achieved independence in April 12 1927. They were part of the British empire.
United Kingdom used to be subjects of Great Britain.
Found on a island off of Europe.

Saudi Arabia
Achieved independence September 23, 1932
Used to be part of the Ottoman Empire.
The Ottomans owned Saudi Arabia in the 16th century.
Found north-east of Africa.

Location of  Metropolitan France  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]
No official date of Independence
France was once part of the Greek colonies, Gaul, Roman Gaul, Frankish kingdoms.
Found in west Europe.

Location of  Germany  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

Independence on January 18, 1871
Was first taken by the Germanic tribes then by the Frankish empire
Found next to France in Europe

Image of a globe centred on India, with India highlighted.
There independence from the UK was in August 15, 1947
India was controlled by Muslim rulers like central Asian warriors in the 16th century
Found next to china

Human Geo

Today in human geo we talked more indepth on the world leaders. There is a new leader in china and his name is Xi Sinping. He takes over the president position from Hu Jintao who was in the leading postion for ten years. His son is attending Harvard University and Xi also spent time in the USA. So he may run China in a more Demoratic fashion. We also talked about the assignment which is four questions for me 5 countries. I picked Afganistan, Iran, Mexico, Brazil and, Venezuela. So I will be working on that in my next post. It will take an hour which kind of stinks with all of the other work that I have to do but I've had worst definatily. So far I have to say, this is a fun class! I'm really enjoying it so far.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo we talked about world leaders. I did not know that China's terms as president is 10 years. That is a lot compared to america that only has 4 years per term. In Iran there leader Mahmoud really hard to pronounce last name want to take the jews out or at least get them out of the middle east all because they are not muslim in a world that muslims flood the land. So he has bombs that he is trying to make to wipe out Israel. He thinks that only muslims can control the middle east. So he is trying to get rid of one group to make room for his own.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012



Constitution-Federal Republic 

President- Enrique Pena Nieto 


Constitution-Communist State

President- Hu Jintao


Constitution- Federal Republic

President-Pranab Mukherjee   



Constitution- Islamic Republic

President- Hamid Karzai


Constitution-Islamic Republic

President- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


Constitution-Liberal Democracy

President- Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahoo        


Constitution-Federal Republic

President-Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom

Constitution-Constitutional Monarchy

President-David Cameron


Constitution- Semi-Presidential System

President- Francois Hollande


Constitution- Federal Republic

President- Dilma Rousseff


Constitution- Federal Republic

President- Hugo Chavez

Saudi Arabia

Constitution- Absolute Monarchy

President-King Abdullah                                      

Friday, October 19, 2012

Human Geo

Question 1. What religion has the most followers and how many followers does that religion have?
Christianity and it has 2.2 billion followers .

Question 2. Where did the vikings mean to go before reaching the USA?

Question 3. Was Christopher Columbus a nice guy?

Question 4. What religion uses yoga?
Buddhism and Hinduism

Question 5. What is the oldest monotheistic religion?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo we learned about Muslim, Hinduism, and Buddhism and stink bugs. I would not have burned all of the stink bugs. It must have smelled so bad in there. Anyway I learned that Muslims pray 5 times a day and they always face toward Mecca. That is much different then what I do in life because I don't drop everything and prey. Then I learned that up until a few months ago women could not drive a car or any machinery in that matter. That is awful and other countries still do not let women have rights. Then we learned about Buddhism and that it is about peace of mind. You can be practicing Buddhism and Christianity at the same time because Buddhism lets you worship any god you want so that you can worship Jesus or if you are Muslim then Mohammed at the same time.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo we learned about things that separate countries. One is religion. Religion is the leading cause for war in the world. It has more wars than money, land, resources, and government. The most popular religion is Christianity with most of there followers in the Americas, Europe and in Southern Africa. If you go to the middle east, it is unlikely to find a Christian because more than likely you will find a Muslim or if you go to India you will probably find a Hindu. Then there is differences in cultures. Countries will have the same religion but they will dislike each other for beliefs in government and a way to live life. So when there is no leader to stop it, war breaks out. Like in Yugoslavia when there was so many different groups and then they all made there own government and started to fight. I think that Mr. Schick was right that we should have the Olympics so that there would be entertainment instead of fighting.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


It was founded around 30 AD by the apostles of Jesus and Jesus himself. It is a monotheistic religion and the holy book is called the bible. Over 2.1 billion people follow the Christian religion around the world. God is the central figure of this religion. The Christian religion says that God saves us from all sin. There is no one holy place.

It was founded in 622 CE. It is a monotheistic religion and the holy book is called The Qur'an. It is the second largest religion in the world with 1 to .8 billion people following it, just under the Christian religion. The center part of the religion is the Prophet Mohammed. The center of Islam is Mecca.

It was founded at about 460 B.C and it was founded by Siddhartha Gautama also known as the Budda. It is neither monotheistic or polytheistic. The holy book is called the TripitakaBuddhism is followed by 376 billion people making it the 6th biggest religion in the world. The Budda is the central figure There is no central location for Buddhism.

There is no founder and the it was unknown when the date of the religion was created however we know it was created in India. In reality Hinduism is polytheistic. The holy book is called the Vedas. It is the third biggest religion in the world with about 900 million followers. There is no one god because the freedom of the religion. There is no one holy place.

The exact date is unknown when it was founded. It is monotheistic because they believe in one god. The holy
book is called the Torah. This religion has 14 million followers. The figures are Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The holy place is called the western wall.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo I learned how that different languages can be a big problem to people and countries. I found out that the Canadian Providence Quebec we thinking about leaving Canada because so many people speak French as there primary language. So they wanted to leave Canada because of it. In South America almost everyone speaks Spanish except the biggest country there, Brazil. They speak Portuguese, a language that is not very popular and the only other country that I know that speaks that language as the first choice is Portugal. Some people get mad when someone speaks a different language to them. So they want everyone to speak English. We also saw this survey on how people in America call that fizzing drink soda, pop, coke or something else. Most southern states call it coke. The Midwestern states call it pop and most east and west coast states call it soda. It was very interesting.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo we learned about Chris Columbus, Native Americans and Vikings. The native americans were here first when they crossed from Russia into the USA and there was a lot of respect for the land and they treated it as if it was not there's. They came 14,300 years ago. That's a long time ago!  Then came the Vikings. They did not see much interest in the land only lived there for a couple of years. They set up trade post and docs to import and export goods. They also took great care of the land. Then came Christopher Columbus and he was a mean guy on a mission. He did do a great job but he was a nasty guy. He did not like the natives, he killed people and raped women. He was there multiple times so it had to be terrible when he was there. Why do we even celebrate Christopher Columbus day when he was a very evil man.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo I got my test back and I learned a little bit about Chris Columbus and that he was not the first person to discover the Americas. The vikings were when they were trying to go to Greenland and when they got caught in storms, high winds, and fog, they accidentally discovered the Americas. I find it a little insulting to find out that we were discovered by an accident or non-intentionally. They found Greenland eventually. Also I got a 97 on the test which never happens. I misspelled Pittsburgh which stunk because I hear them so often. I am not a ravens fan but I still hear Pittsburgh so much it makes me sick. I don't even care because I am a Redskins fan. I hope I spelled Pittsburgh right this time.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo we were making ideas to help the people in Sudan. I think that we should do a couple things. The first would be bring in Jon Bual to talk about the issues in Sudan in front of the entire school so that everyone could know about this war that will not stop. Then we need to take action by taking home flyers so that our family and friends can know about this. Then we bring in money and supplies that I will list below. Then send it to Sudan through Jon Bual's foundations name.

Things we can bring in

Money            Pillows             Canned food             Blankets            School Supplies      Clothes      

Soap              Lots of water        Toys           Candy            Sports Supplies and stuff like that.

Once we do this we can say that we helped the people in Sudan. We have 800 students at this school, if we can raise 100 dollars a piece then that would be 80,000 dollars and how much that is in Sudan would make it worth much more and that could do the trick to build hospitals or schools there.

The End

Monday, October 1, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo we finished the video on the lost boys. It was incredable how they came from not knowing how to eat a potato chip to finding there lost family members and owning organization to help build schools and medical hospitals in there home country. Jon became the president of the lost boys and he helps to get these people together in get togethers. I thought that it was very funny when Jon's mother can to the USA and was singing her song and making that epic noise. They have degrees and money to give back ti there homeland. I would honestly not have expected them to be as a smash hit as they are now.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

human geo

Today in human geo, we continued the video on the boys from Sudan. They were coming to America to finally get away from the so called prison that they were in for over 10 years. They were sad but excited for a new life in America. They did not understand some of the items that Americans use and eat. This one guy ate butter. One ate mayo out if the packet. One used shaving cream for lotion. They are having troubles in the USA but they are doing it to make their country proud. They want to help them as much as they can. I can't wait to see them be successful and have great jobs and have a happy life.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo we reviewed the quiz, I did okay, I got just lower than a B. I made some  dumb mistakes. I wish I reviewed it more and then I would have gotten a better score. But its okay because I will do better next time and everyone slips up once and a while. My grade should still be a B so its fine. We continued the movie on the boys leaving Sudan. I thought they would be happy but I was very wrong because they feel that it is prison and they want to move back to Sudan ASAP. They don't get feed that much, more than in Sudan and their way to Kenya but not enough to be more happy. They also have big .  meetings to kill time. They don't know where there parents are so that is sad. It sounds like all they want is to move back to Sudan.

The End

Monday, September 24, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo, I took a test and it was fairly easy and understandable. It was very clear and that is something that not all tests have. I like how it was not on scan tron because I can not stand those. We also watched a video on how the people from Sudan were leaving their country. That was very sad. I could not believe how unhealthily they looked and they looked so sad and I felt it. I must have been the worst life experience they will ever encounter. They were drinking their own urine which is discussing but it was what they had to do to survive. They ate mud and they had to go through Sudan twice because they got kicked out of Ethiopia. They finally settled in Kenya which they now get fed and taken care of by the United Nations.   

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo I learned about Germany, Nigeria, and Indonesia. Indonesia is a great place to find natural resources like gold which is very valuable. Other than that they are not the best country to live in because the overall poverty and natural disasters. Nigeria is very poor and the population is the highest in all of Africa. They can't even handle there own population and they keep having babies and some of them can not live to the age of one. There is nothing that positive about the country and the people have no where to go so they have to stay because there is no money. They also have a lot of diseases that kill people. In Germany people are making good money and the country is already developed. There is a lot of Muslims that are moving there that want to set up churches but Germany will not let that happen.

The End.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo, we learned about different rates that had to do with population. First thing I learned was that to keep the population the same, each woman has to have at least 2.1 kids on average. The USA's average is 2.0, just under what we need to be and I think that it is a good thing that we are just under the 2.1 standard. Another thing that I learned was the rate in Nigeria is 5.8. That's a lot of babies! I also learned that the USA has a population of over 300 million! That is a lot of people! Canada is one of the biggest counties in the world but it only has a 10th of our population. I also got to say that the voice you do is so funny! Anyway I also learned that Chad has a life expectancy of only 48.69 years. That is very sad but Monaco on the other hand has a life expectancy of 89 years! I am so jealous. We only have a expectancy in the 70's. That is not great.

The End

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Human Geo

Ben Tasel                                                                                           September 13th 2012

Today in human geo we answered all of the rest of the questions. There was some cool topics like that gas in   every country in Europe has gas that cost over 8 dollars per gallon. They also drive smaller cars that have higher gas mileage then us. I also learned that there are better countries better than Zimbabwe in Africa because there are people that are getting killed by there government. So they are moving to a country with a 95 unemployment rate. That is very interesting. Most countries that die from AIDS are from Africa except for India. In China they have the most cell phones in the world. In the video, I was surprised that China was going to have more English speaking people then the USA. I was also shocked that there are 845,000,000 Facebook users and that would be the third population if that was a country.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Human Geo

In human geo today we learned about lots of topics. I learned that Pakistan and India both have nuclear weapon and that they do not like each other and they may use their nukes against each other. I also learned that Iran is building a nuclear weapon but they could not fly it to the USA. That was a sigh of relief. Also Zimbabwe has a unemployment rate of 95%. That is more than every country in the world and that 19 out of every 20 people are looking for work. I also learned how to remember that that usa has republic because the       pledge has the word republic in it.I also learned if we dropped a nuclear bomb on Iran then most of the muslims would attack us with the  bombing type of thing. A lot of countries do not like us, especially those middle eastern countries. So we should try to make peace with them.

The End

Monday, September 10, 2012

  1. What is the population of the United States? 313,847,465

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan? 190,291,129

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 95%

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports? China
  2. What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia
  3. What country imports more oil than any other? USA
  4. What country consumes more oil than any other? USA
  5. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? No
  6. What is GDP? Gross Domestic Production
  7. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? Liechtenstein 141,000
  8. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? no
  9. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Africa
  10. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? Africa
  11. What other country is in the top ten? India
  12. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18
  13. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? No
  14. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23
  15. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 76
  16. What is Net Migration Rate? differents of immigrants and emigrants of an area
  17. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? No
  18. What is the current population of the entire planet? 7,038,000,000
I think that the population of the world is the most important stat there because everything revolves around it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Human Geo

Ben Tasel                                                                                                              September 6th 2012

     Today in human geo we learned about Illinois. It is the fifth most populated state in the country. It's biggest city Chicago, has 3 million people living in the city and 3 million more living outside the city in the suburbs. They have lots of transportation. Chicago also has ore people living there then any other city in the Midwestern regin. They also have some amazing sports teams such as the bears for football, who won super bowl XX in 1986. Also they have the Chicago Bulls who won the NBA championship in 1991,1992,1993,1996,1997 and 1998. They also went 72 wins and only 10 losses one season. Mr. Schick was born in Chicago in December of a day that his parents could not find a hospital. Does that sound like someone else? Chicago sounds like a cool city and I have to go there one day.

The End

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wikipedia is Good!

Ben Tasel                                                                                        September 5th 2012

Today in human geo we learned about how Wikipedia is good. I learned that the false information that people put on their is taken down and they can't post there again. So almost they are more accurate then many other websites and the author get there information from very reliable sites. They also are writing and publishing these articles for many different peoples information. It could be a kid in elementary school or it could be a collage student that is making a big 1000 point essay or it could be someone looking for a job in engineering and needs more information about there field. Or maybe it is a wise old man trying to kill sometime before the bingo game but no matter who is the audience there is something for everyone. It has gotten topic for everything from bananas to Southwest airlines to Mexican baseball it has it all. Wikipedia is a good site to use with professionals writing the work.

The End

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Ben Tasel                                                                                               September 2nd 2012

Essay 1:

Arete in my opinion is to everything to your fullest potential. People like the ancient Greeks achieved that my creating there own government and taking down the ruler. They let the people decide what was going to happen unlike what the other option which was whatever the king or person in charge said goes. These people are also very knowledgeable and wanted to do something and had the right idea to do it. Socrates would also fit in this category because he thought outside the box and had very good ideas that were never brought to the table. Arete to me is another word for success.

Essay 2:

Elbert Hubbard would be absolutely discussed with the way that the world works today. He would never find someone to send a message to Garcia and that is a fact. People are so caught up with technology and social media that they would never pick up a novel  or spend time doing something to change the world we live in today. People these days ramble about little things such as that their phone died or that their favorite sports team lost so imagine how much they would complain about sending a message to Garcia and they would make a million excuses about how they can't do it. Socrates would like how the world works because I believe he likes progression and the world has definitely changed from when he took his last breath of air.The world has also used some of his ideas. Also people have much more of a say then they did back when he lived.

Essay 3:

Number 1. I will do my homework more and not be lazy about it. I can't slack off anymore and homework last year was a big part of my grade not being where I wanted it to be.

Number 2: I want to put more effort into my work and not rush through it. I will budget my time so I can fit my work in.

Number 3: I want to behave better in class so I can not get in trouble with the teachers and get on their bad side.

Number 4: I want to take more of a commitment to sports ad stay in shape for everything

Number 5. I want better grades and I will do whatever it takes to do so.

The End

Friday, August 31, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo, we talked about the ancient Greeks and how they were the first group of people to come up with the democratic type of government after they over threw there leader. Women and slaves were not allowed to vote but the average man could have a say in there government and make there own decisions. Before that there was a king or ruler and whatever they said goes. Now it was about the people and what they wanted as a whole. That set the stander that the USA would follow when they gained independence form Great Britain. Even today countries like Syria are trying to do the same. We also talked about Socrates and what a innovative man he was to the other people. He asked you questions and let you answer your own questions. He was committed to the people and wanted to help them. When he was sentenced to death he was okay with it because it was the people's decision and he was happy if they were happy. I believe if it was like that today things would be rolling much smoother.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

 Ben Tasel                                                                                         August 30th 2012

            Today in human geo, we learned about a letter to Garcia. This man Roland was given a letter to deliver to Sargent Garcia during the Spanish American war when Cuba was fighting Spain for there independence. This man just did the job that needed to be done and deliver the message to Garcia, no questions asked. The author wanted to get something off his chest and decided to write a little simple rant about that there are no people like that anymore that would do something like that. There was 40 million copies sold by 1913, which was about 1 out of every 5 people. We also learned about his very interesting death. He wrote about this couple on the titanic that stayed on the boat when the boat sunk. When he died, it was almost the same. A German torpedo hit the boat and him an his wife stayed on the boat while it sunk because they did not want to be separated. We also got donuts at the end of the class and they very good.

The End.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


                     August 29th 2012                       Ben Tasel

Today was a easy class, I had to set up my blog and email it to Mr.Schick. I finally turned in my blogs and I hope I get a good grade on them. We also had a homework to look up some words so here they are:

Arete- Excellence of any kind, the word is from Greek origin and means to live up to your fullest potential.
Something that I need to work on. It is also used for a hero such as Pelepone.

Polis- Means city in Greek. An example of a Greek city would be Athens. It can also mean citizenship as well.

Socrates- was a Greek philosopher who was known for his contributions to the field of ethnics who was prized for his teachings

The Death Of Socrates- He praised Sparta, the arch rival of the Greeks and because of that he was executed by drinking a mixture containing poison hemlock.

The Socratic method- is a negative method of hypothesis elimination. It is made to force one to examine their beliefs and the validity of such beliefs

508 BC- Cleistenes reorganized Athens. he creates the dame which was a local unit to be the symbol of his political system.

Agora- is a central spot in Greek cites. It is a gathering place or an assembly.

If a greek calls you an idiot you are in danger of being brought into court. That is very interesting so I would want to be called an idiot.

The End

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ben Tasel                                                        August 27 2012

I had quite an experence in school today! I really like your class and I look forward to it. We did a lot in class today. I first of all was very happy that there was no camera. But I learned the rules for class. We did a prayer as well. We also changed seats today and I did not see that coming at all. I am very suprised that we have to type a blog every night! I wonder if thats my only homework for the year. It would make me so happy and excited but, I doubt that will happen because at john carroll their is no break! I learned a lot and I feel as if I am ready to go for the rest of the school year.
Ben Tasel                                    August 26 2012

I am very exicted about your human geogarphy class! I had a great summer and I am ready to go back to school. I am very eager to learn about the world and it's people and cultures. I have alwas been more interested in social studies related classes and topics. It's more exciting because the topics are debatable and you can have better interaction with everyone else. I like to talk. Ask any one of my old teachers, I talk to muck and I have been yelled at quite a bit because of it. So this class fits me well. I haave always been an average student in school and i want this to be a break out year. I want at least a B in this class and I will work very hard for it. I think that I can do it because this is a great school to do it at unlike my other schools. So I hope that this will be a great year and I look forward to being in your class.