Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo we were making ideas to help the people in Sudan. I think that we should do a couple things. The first would be bring in Jon Bual to talk about the issues in Sudan in front of the entire school so that everyone could know about this war that will not stop. Then we need to take action by taking home flyers so that our family and friends can know about this. Then we bring in money and supplies that I will list below. Then send it to Sudan through Jon Bual's foundations name.

Things we can bring in

Money            Pillows             Canned food             Blankets            School Supplies      Clothes      

Soap              Lots of water        Toys           Candy            Sports Supplies and stuff like that.

Once we do this we can say that we helped the people in Sudan. We have 800 students at this school, if we can raise 100 dollars a piece then that would be 80,000 dollars and how much that is in Sudan would make it worth much more and that could do the trick to build hospitals or schools there.

The End

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