Friday, August 31, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo, we talked about the ancient Greeks and how they were the first group of people to come up with the democratic type of government after they over threw there leader. Women and slaves were not allowed to vote but the average man could have a say in there government and make there own decisions. Before that there was a king or ruler and whatever they said goes. Now it was about the people and what they wanted as a whole. That set the stander that the USA would follow when they gained independence form Great Britain. Even today countries like Syria are trying to do the same. We also talked about Socrates and what a innovative man he was to the other people. He asked you questions and let you answer your own questions. He was committed to the people and wanted to help them. When he was sentenced to death he was okay with it because it was the people's decision and he was happy if they were happy. I believe if it was like that today things would be rolling much smoother.

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