Friday, August 31, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo, we talked about the ancient Greeks and how they were the first group of people to come up with the democratic type of government after they over threw there leader. Women and slaves were not allowed to vote but the average man could have a say in there government and make there own decisions. Before that there was a king or ruler and whatever they said goes. Now it was about the people and what they wanted as a whole. That set the stander that the USA would follow when they gained independence form Great Britain. Even today countries like Syria are trying to do the same. We also talked about Socrates and what a innovative man he was to the other people. He asked you questions and let you answer your own questions. He was committed to the people and wanted to help them. When he was sentenced to death he was okay with it because it was the people's decision and he was happy if they were happy. I believe if it was like that today things would be rolling much smoother.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

 Ben Tasel                                                                                         August 30th 2012

            Today in human geo, we learned about a letter to Garcia. This man Roland was given a letter to deliver to Sargent Garcia during the Spanish American war when Cuba was fighting Spain for there independence. This man just did the job that needed to be done and deliver the message to Garcia, no questions asked. The author wanted to get something off his chest and decided to write a little simple rant about that there are no people like that anymore that would do something like that. There was 40 million copies sold by 1913, which was about 1 out of every 5 people. We also learned about his very interesting death. He wrote about this couple on the titanic that stayed on the boat when the boat sunk. When he died, it was almost the same. A German torpedo hit the boat and him an his wife stayed on the boat while it sunk because they did not want to be separated. We also got donuts at the end of the class and they very good.

The End.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


                     August 29th 2012                       Ben Tasel

Today was a easy class, I had to set up my blog and email it to Mr.Schick. I finally turned in my blogs and I hope I get a good grade on them. We also had a homework to look up some words so here they are:

Arete- Excellence of any kind, the word is from Greek origin and means to live up to your fullest potential.
Something that I need to work on. It is also used for a hero such as Pelepone.

Polis- Means city in Greek. An example of a Greek city would be Athens. It can also mean citizenship as well.

Socrates- was a Greek philosopher who was known for his contributions to the field of ethnics who was prized for his teachings

The Death Of Socrates- He praised Sparta, the arch rival of the Greeks and because of that he was executed by drinking a mixture containing poison hemlock.

The Socratic method- is a negative method of hypothesis elimination. It is made to force one to examine their beliefs and the validity of such beliefs

508 BC- Cleistenes reorganized Athens. he creates the dame which was a local unit to be the symbol of his political system.

Agora- is a central spot in Greek cites. It is a gathering place or an assembly.

If a greek calls you an idiot you are in danger of being brought into court. That is very interesting so I would want to be called an idiot.

The End

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ben Tasel                                                        August 27 2012

I had quite an experence in school today! I really like your class and I look forward to it. We did a lot in class today. I first of all was very happy that there was no camera. But I learned the rules for class. We did a prayer as well. We also changed seats today and I did not see that coming at all. I am very suprised that we have to type a blog every night! I wonder if thats my only homework for the year. It would make me so happy and excited but, I doubt that will happen because at john carroll their is no break! I learned a lot and I feel as if I am ready to go for the rest of the school year.
Ben Tasel                                    August 26 2012

I am very exicted about your human geogarphy class! I had a great summer and I am ready to go back to school. I am very eager to learn about the world and it's people and cultures. I have alwas been more interested in social studies related classes and topics. It's more exciting because the topics are debatable and you can have better interaction with everyone else. I like to talk. Ask any one of my old teachers, I talk to muck and I have been yelled at quite a bit because of it. So this class fits me well. I haave always been an average student in school and i want this to be a break out year. I want at least a B in this class and I will work very hard for it. I think that I can do it because this is a great school to do it at unlike my other schools. So I hope that this will be a great year and I look forward to being in your class.