Sunday, October 28, 2012



Constitution-Federal Republic 

President- Enrique Pena Nieto 


Constitution-Communist State

President- Hu Jintao


Constitution- Federal Republic

President-Pranab Mukherjee   



Constitution- Islamic Republic

President- Hamid Karzai


Constitution-Islamic Republic

President- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


Constitution-Liberal Democracy

President- Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahoo        


Constitution-Federal Republic

President-Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom

Constitution-Constitutional Monarchy

President-David Cameron


Constitution- Semi-Presidential System

President- Francois Hollande


Constitution- Federal Republic

President- Dilma Rousseff


Constitution- Federal Republic

President- Hugo Chavez

Saudi Arabia

Constitution- Absolute Monarchy

President-King Abdullah                                      

Friday, October 19, 2012

Human Geo

Question 1. What religion has the most followers and how many followers does that religion have?
Christianity and it has 2.2 billion followers .

Question 2. Where did the vikings mean to go before reaching the USA?

Question 3. Was Christopher Columbus a nice guy?

Question 4. What religion uses yoga?
Buddhism and Hinduism

Question 5. What is the oldest monotheistic religion?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo we learned about Muslim, Hinduism, and Buddhism and stink bugs. I would not have burned all of the stink bugs. It must have smelled so bad in there. Anyway I learned that Muslims pray 5 times a day and they always face toward Mecca. That is much different then what I do in life because I don't drop everything and prey. Then I learned that up until a few months ago women could not drive a car or any machinery in that matter. That is awful and other countries still do not let women have rights. Then we learned about Buddhism and that it is about peace of mind. You can be practicing Buddhism and Christianity at the same time because Buddhism lets you worship any god you want so that you can worship Jesus or if you are Muslim then Mohammed at the same time.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo we learned about things that separate countries. One is religion. Religion is the leading cause for war in the world. It has more wars than money, land, resources, and government. The most popular religion is Christianity with most of there followers in the Americas, Europe and in Southern Africa. If you go to the middle east, it is unlikely to find a Christian because more than likely you will find a Muslim or if you go to India you will probably find a Hindu. Then there is differences in cultures. Countries will have the same religion but they will dislike each other for beliefs in government and a way to live life. So when there is no leader to stop it, war breaks out. Like in Yugoslavia when there was so many different groups and then they all made there own government and started to fight. I think that Mr. Schick was right that we should have the Olympics so that there would be entertainment instead of fighting.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


It was founded around 30 AD by the apostles of Jesus and Jesus himself. It is a monotheistic religion and the holy book is called the bible. Over 2.1 billion people follow the Christian religion around the world. God is the central figure of this religion. The Christian religion says that God saves us from all sin. There is no one holy place.

It was founded in 622 CE. It is a monotheistic religion and the holy book is called The Qur'an. It is the second largest religion in the world with 1 to .8 billion people following it, just under the Christian religion. The center part of the religion is the Prophet Mohammed. The center of Islam is Mecca.

It was founded at about 460 B.C and it was founded by Siddhartha Gautama also known as the Budda. It is neither monotheistic or polytheistic. The holy book is called the TripitakaBuddhism is followed by 376 billion people making it the 6th biggest religion in the world. The Budda is the central figure There is no central location for Buddhism.

There is no founder and the it was unknown when the date of the religion was created however we know it was created in India. In reality Hinduism is polytheistic. The holy book is called the Vedas. It is the third biggest religion in the world with about 900 million followers. There is no one god because the freedom of the religion. There is no one holy place.

The exact date is unknown when it was founded. It is monotheistic because they believe in one god. The holy
book is called the Torah. This religion has 14 million followers. The figures are Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The holy place is called the western wall.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo I learned how that different languages can be a big problem to people and countries. I found out that the Canadian Providence Quebec we thinking about leaving Canada because so many people speak French as there primary language. So they wanted to leave Canada because of it. In South America almost everyone speaks Spanish except the biggest country there, Brazil. They speak Portuguese, a language that is not very popular and the only other country that I know that speaks that language as the first choice is Portugal. Some people get mad when someone speaks a different language to them. So they want everyone to speak English. We also saw this survey on how people in America call that fizzing drink soda, pop, coke or something else. Most southern states call it coke. The Midwestern states call it pop and most east and west coast states call it soda. It was very interesting.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo we learned about Chris Columbus, Native Americans and Vikings. The native americans were here first when they crossed from Russia into the USA and there was a lot of respect for the land and they treated it as if it was not there's. They came 14,300 years ago. That's a long time ago!  Then came the Vikings. They did not see much interest in the land only lived there for a couple of years. They set up trade post and docs to import and export goods. They also took great care of the land. Then came Christopher Columbus and he was a mean guy on a mission. He did do a great job but he was a nasty guy. He did not like the natives, he killed people and raped women. He was there multiple times so it had to be terrible when he was there. Why do we even celebrate Christopher Columbus day when he was a very evil man.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo I got my test back and I learned a little bit about Chris Columbus and that he was not the first person to discover the Americas. The vikings were when they were trying to go to Greenland and when they got caught in storms, high winds, and fog, they accidentally discovered the Americas. I find it a little insulting to find out that we were discovered by an accident or non-intentionally. They found Greenland eventually. Also I got a 97 on the test which never happens. I misspelled Pittsburgh which stunk because I hear them so often. I am not a ravens fan but I still hear Pittsburgh so much it makes me sick. I don't even care because I am a Redskins fan. I hope I spelled Pittsburgh right this time.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Human Geo

Today in Human Geo we were making ideas to help the people in Sudan. I think that we should do a couple things. The first would be bring in Jon Bual to talk about the issues in Sudan in front of the entire school so that everyone could know about this war that will not stop. Then we need to take action by taking home flyers so that our family and friends can know about this. Then we bring in money and supplies that I will list below. Then send it to Sudan through Jon Bual's foundations name.

Things we can bring in

Money            Pillows             Canned food             Blankets            School Supplies      Clothes      

Soap              Lots of water        Toys           Candy            Sports Supplies and stuff like that.

Once we do this we can say that we helped the people in Sudan. We have 800 students at this school, if we can raise 100 dollars a piece then that would be 80,000 dollars and how much that is in Sudan would make it worth much more and that could do the trick to build hospitals or schools there.

The End

Monday, October 1, 2012

Human Geo

Today in human geo we finished the video on the lost boys. It was incredable how they came from not knowing how to eat a potato chip to finding there lost family members and owning organization to help build schools and medical hospitals in there home country. Jon became the president of the lost boys and he helps to get these people together in get togethers. I thought that it was very funny when Jon's mother can to the USA and was singing her song and making that epic noise. They have degrees and money to give back ti there homeland. I would honestly not have expected them to be as a smash hit as they are now.